What should we read Das Capital?

Das capital is non religious book in the world that followed by directly or inderectly by whole world. It is written by Karl Mark in middle of the 19th century.What should we read Das Capital?All will be discussed. It is a holy Text book who have followed the communist ideology. Das capital should be read at least in life by everyone. Das capital advocates the lowest level of people who are exploited by capitalist and Goverment. Because Government and Capitalist are a group of self interested people who want to get benefits from them. Das capital says that all problem of world are centralisation of capital in some influenced people and Government. Das capital talks about whole world of labours who produce production for Capitalists.

What is explained in Das Capital?

Marx ideology is influenced by George Hegel. Hegel contributed Hegel’s Dialetic principle. After study of Hegel’s ideology he modified it and rename materlistic ideology which are devided into three part Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. Marx explained that wheat before sowing the seed it will be called thesis, after sowing wheat till growing it will be called antithesis. when repening of the crops it will be synthesis.

Das capital is a famous text book and it can not understood by easily, before understanding all ideology should be kept anywhere, then we can understand. Das Capital is read by individuals and organisations in the approxemately whole world. They set all social goals because they will not be worked for labours, unfortunately Revolution may be come in societies. Everyone knows that Revolution will be come without any fixed time, it will be suddenly appeared in society. Karl Marx published  The communist Manifest in 1848 and first volume of Das Capital in 1867 and that time friendship between Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx had become very strong. Friedrich Engles was a rich family and his father had cotton mill. He helped financial to Karl Marx. Karl Marx death happened unfortunately in 1883. Friedrich Engeles published Mark’s Das capital volume 2 &3. Communist.

Das Capital is an explaination of socialism in scientific way and Marx says that Capitalism will be unfortunately destroyed by revolution. Das capital had been used in Russia, China and other Countries. All capitalists lost all properities by on the behalf of labours. Marx explained 6 stages of society in which four are come and remaing will be surely come according to Marx.

1 Primitive communism, 2 Slave society, 3 Feudalism, 4 Capitalism, 5 Socialism and 6 Stateless communism all explainations are present in text book.

What should we read Das Capital?

Das capital should be read by everyone at least one time in life. If we read Das capital, we will go through world most wisdom philosopher’ideology. Karl Marx was fist pholosopher that said about lowest level of society. He said that Capitalists are exploiting to labours and maximum profits are taken by capitalists and very few amounts are given to the workers. We can feel all over the world, Governments are woking for the welfare of the public. USA capitalist country but indirectily all features of socialism are presented. In india many welfare programmes are running such as food security all over india’s public getting benefits which is totally distributed among people free of cost. Education programmes are also running in which government provide basic education free of cost till age 14. Meal Day programme is running every government schools.

Presently all over the people are getting benefits from Karl Marx Ideology because every government knows that if government will not do anythings. Revolution may be come society and Running government will be completely collapsed so that no Government wants to come any revolt in society.


Capital (Das Kapital) Paperback – November 1, 2016


Capital (Das Capital): Includes Vol.1,2,3 Paperback – 1 November 2016



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